Ensuring a smooth handover
KEYPoint Services

Settlement is fast approaching and purchasers are booked to settle. Years of your hard work coming to fruition. It is heartbreaking to see last-minute issues come up that turn happy purchasers into disgruntled purchasers!
Our KeyPoint Services ensure a smooth handover from builders to developers to purchasers. Mitigate any potential problems before settlement to provide peace of mind your product is entirely ready for handover.
Eliminate the panic calls and emails from angry purchasers when all is not as it should be when keys are collected!
We offer a flat pro-rata daily rate to complete required checks and report identified issues. Select the checks required and our team will estimate the period necessary to deliver our tailored service.
Services include:
- Check quantity and operation of all keys (front door, letterbox, windows etc), security swipes and garage fobs
- Check A/C units operate, remotes operational and batteries included
- Program appliances (confirm power on, set date time mechanism)
- Confirm gas appliances (including gas fireplaces) are operational
- Reconcile contents of handover pack (hard copy or USB)
- Check defect status from pre settlement inspection. Reconcile outstanding defects and report accordingly.
- A quick inspection of every room to ensure no last-minute issues (leaks, unexpected damage, trade materials/supplies left in apartments)
- Check installation of window furnishings (or other contract inclusions and customisations)
- Check access and readiness of car parks and storage cages
Any other customised requirements, just ask.